So, I had kind of stopped updating this blog since I record most things on Instagram, but, I kind of want to document my plastics journey on here as well. So, let's get talking.
Since I last posted, I've gotten to my lowest weight of 202#, and then come back up a bit, which I'm told is normal. Since around November/December of 2018, my weight has been holding steady between 220-230#. I'm not horribly upset by this weight, since I'm active, I'm able to hike (Clingman's Dome, and Laurel Falls in Great Smoky Mountains National Park), I'm able to run around and keep up with my 3 year old, and my health is good. So, life is good.
Well, I had my annual mammogram, and I have made a decision to switch most of my physician care to the health system that I work with, which included my OB/GYN and my breast surgeon. So, I saw my breast surgeon for my annual follow-up of my lumpectomy, and she said all looks good, but asked if I had ever considered plastics. Well, I have a LARGE area (about the size of a golf ball), that has been removed from my breast. So, it looks like an ice cream scoop was taken out of it. I told her that I had indeed considered plastics, but that I didn't think, since my tumor was benign that I could get it covered. Well, she looked at me like I was crazy. She informed me that regardless of it being benign, I had a tumor removed, and have a very obvious, visible deformity, and that she thinks that insurance should absolutely cover this procedure, and she wanted to refer me to a plastic surgeon.
Luckily, she works really well with one of the plastic surgeons that I work for, and is the surgeon that I already knew I wanted to do my surgery when the time came. So, she sent a referral over, and told me that if the insurance company gave the surgeon too much trouble that she would intercede on my behalf as well. So, I went to my consult. Talking to my surgeon was fun, and she made me feel totally at ease. I also brought up, at that appointment, the idea of my panniculectomy. I'm having irritation below my "lower" belly (I have true pre-plastics loose skin pics up on my Instagram if you're interested), and she said that with my weight loss (163# as of right now, total), she shouldn't see any reason that they would not cover my surgery. That they might fight her a bit on it, but that she'd fight them right back.
Well, after talking to my husband about it, and finding out about payment options, we decided to have them submit the paperwork to insurance. I have a tentative surgery date of November 4, IF both surgeries get approved. I got word today that the surgery scheduler/pre-cert lady at the surgeon's office submitted my paperwork today. So, now it's a waiting game.
What was my initial consult like? Since I was looking at my panni and a breast lift, I had to get naked to my underwear. When the doctor came in, she took a history, including asking about future family planning, weight loss goals, how long has my weight been stable, ect. Then she had me sit up, so she could palpitate my breasts, and take a good look to see what she'd need to do to make them not asymmetrical (I had asymmetry to my breasts before I had my lumpectomy... if she fixes the one breast, it's going to get worse), and palpitate my stomach, and move the skin around to see what can be done there.
I told her that I'm interested in having children in the future. After this exam, she sat back down, and we talked a bit. They usually won't want to do anything to the belly area if you're interested in having kids in the future, but with how my skin is sitting/sagging, she said that she would almost prefer I do the surgery before hand, because she could see it causing some problems while I'm pregnant, because my uterus isn't going to fill out the skin, and all of that skin would just be sitting there, on top of having a baby belly.
So, after I decided to continue on, she had me stand up so that she could take some measurements of my breasts, and take pictures of my breasts, and belly. I have very large breasts, even after losing my weight. I was a 40DDD when I was heavier. Now I'm a 34DD. I asked if my cup size would go down (the biggest reason I want these surgeries is not for cosmetic reasons but for back pain... all that skin is just hanging on my front, and causing back pain), and she said that if it doesn't physically, it will definitely feel like it does. She's going to make my boobs perky. :)
Have any of you had plastics? What was your experience? Did you get it approved through insurance? If any of my readers is considering plastics, and has any questions, feel free to hit me up here, or on IG. :)
Lady D
My Weight Loss Journey
Friday, May 31, 2019
Friday, June 29, 2018
Cardio Kickboxing is a thing!
So, last night, I went to my first class at iLoveKickboxing. I got my ass kicked by the first 15 minutes, but I honestly really tried to do every move that they showed us... mountain climbers... omg. I can't quite do those yet... or a lot of the other moves. But I tried. I really tried. So, yeah, I can't do them yet, not like I should be able to... but the more I do them, the more I'll be able to. I'm totally in much better cardio shape than I thought... while the muscles were screaming after the jogging, and the fast moves and stuff, I wasn't breathing hard. In fact, I wasn't breathing super hard the whole class. It was eye opening.
Today, my knuckles are barking a bit. I have gloves, awesome, pink gloves, but when I asked about handwraps, it was a "some people like them, some people don't." type thing. I decided to hold off on buying them, since I didn't know if I was going to need them... Oh, I totally need them. The knuckles on my right hand... right where my fingers meet my hand? They're sore today. So, I ordered THESE online. :) So, this was me before class last night, ready to go in and kick butt!
I have my boxing gloves too. They're made by Century boxing, and they seem decent. :) They're pink. Yes, I said pink. I'm a girl. Get over it. ;)
Unfortunately, iLoveKickboxing is a little out of league for me financially right now... they're basically $100/mo for 65 classes. It's a total shame too, because the girls there are amazing. The atmosphere is also amazing. Super supportive and uplifting. The workout is Hard. I'm not going to lie. And my muscles are feeling it today. My inner thighs are screaming at me. But it's totally worth. TOTALLY. WORTH.
I am going to check out two other gyms next week. One is $48/mo for unlimited classes, or $10/class. The other gym I don't know how much it costs, but, right now they're running a deal $49/mo for unlimited classes. I'm checking out one on Thursday, and one on Saturday. We'll see what I think of the gyms, and if they'll be ok for the price. I know I have a few local people that read this blog... anyone interested in doing some kickboxing with me? :)
Lady D
Today, my knuckles are barking a bit. I have gloves, awesome, pink gloves, but when I asked about handwraps, it was a "some people like them, some people don't." type thing. I decided to hold off on buying them, since I didn't know if I was going to need them... Oh, I totally need them. The knuckles on my right hand... right where my fingers meet my hand? They're sore today. So, I ordered THESE online. :) So, this was me before class last night, ready to go in and kick butt!
I have my boxing gloves too. They're made by Century boxing, and they seem decent. :) They're pink. Yes, I said pink. I'm a girl. Get over it. ;)
Unfortunately, iLoveKickboxing is a little out of league for me financially right now... they're basically $100/mo for 65 classes. It's a total shame too, because the girls there are amazing. The atmosphere is also amazing. Super supportive and uplifting. The workout is Hard. I'm not going to lie. And my muscles are feeling it today. My inner thighs are screaming at me. But it's totally worth. TOTALLY. WORTH.
I am going to check out two other gyms next week. One is $48/mo for unlimited classes, or $10/class. The other gym I don't know how much it costs, but, right now they're running a deal $49/mo for unlimited classes. I'm checking out one on Thursday, and one on Saturday. We'll see what I think of the gyms, and if they'll be ok for the price. I know I have a few local people that read this blog... anyone interested in doing some kickboxing with me? :)
Lady D
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Post-op and hi there
Hey guys!
It was brought to my attention this morning that I haven't posted in a while... oops. Sorry. As I've said before, give me a follow over on Instagram... I definitely update there a lot more than my blog these days. :(
Work is crazy, and when I get home, I have an even crazier 2.5 year old to chase around. It makes life interesting.
So, my surgery went well. I had it Wednesday Morning June 6, and then was back to work the following Monday. The only disconcerting thing about the surgery is that I had A LOT of fluid in my breast. It made it sloshy. Like, I could HEAR it sloshing in there. Totally disconcerting. But the fluid has started reabsorbing into my body, at least to the point that I don't hear it anymore. :)
I'm really excited for this week! On Thursday, I take the next step in my exercise goals in that I'm going to a class at our local studio. I don't think I'll end up going there long-term if what I've read about their monthly pricing is right... $150/mo! But, for $10, I get three classes plus my kickboxing gloves. Kickboxing gloves on Amazon START at $30, so, $10?! No brainer. I'm excited to try it. The idea has been floating around in my head for a while, and since I've lost the weight, I realized something like kickboxing or martial arts actually is possible now. :)
Next Saturday, I have a different kickboxing class at a different gym. It's a much better price, $48/mo, or 5 classes for $50 (if you're going to go for less than 5x/mo). I definitely need to do something more intense. Walking is just getting old for me. It's not challenging enough, and I have bad knees, so, running? Not so much. :( I'll let you all know how it goes. My pretty silver Victoria's Secret tote I got from one of their sales is all packed and ready to go with the new exercise clothes I bought at Plato's Closet (Total NSV for me... being able to shop at Plato's!). I need new athletic shoes, but for now the ones I have will work. I'll have to go shopping, and see if I can find something fun. :)
Well, not much else going on right now... here's a transformation Tuesday pic from a week or so ago for you. :)
Let's see your Transformation Tuesday pics, all! :)
Lady D
It was brought to my attention this morning that I haven't posted in a while... oops. Sorry. As I've said before, give me a follow over on Instagram... I definitely update there a lot more than my blog these days. :(
Work is crazy, and when I get home, I have an even crazier 2.5 year old to chase around. It makes life interesting.
So, my surgery went well. I had it Wednesday Morning June 6, and then was back to work the following Monday. The only disconcerting thing about the surgery is that I had A LOT of fluid in my breast. It made it sloshy. Like, I could HEAR it sloshing in there. Totally disconcerting. But the fluid has started reabsorbing into my body, at least to the point that I don't hear it anymore. :)
I'm really excited for this week! On Thursday, I take the next step in my exercise goals in that I'm going to a class at our local studio. I don't think I'll end up going there long-term if what I've read about their monthly pricing is right... $150/mo! But, for $10, I get three classes plus my kickboxing gloves. Kickboxing gloves on Amazon START at $30, so, $10?! No brainer. I'm excited to try it. The idea has been floating around in my head for a while, and since I've lost the weight, I realized something like kickboxing or martial arts actually is possible now. :)
Next Saturday, I have a different kickboxing class at a different gym. It's a much better price, $48/mo, or 5 classes for $50 (if you're going to go for less than 5x/mo). I definitely need to do something more intense. Walking is just getting old for me. It's not challenging enough, and I have bad knees, so, running? Not so much. :( I'll let you all know how it goes. My pretty silver Victoria's Secret tote I got from one of their sales is all packed and ready to go with the new exercise clothes I bought at Plato's Closet (Total NSV for me... being able to shop at Plato's!). I need new athletic shoes, but for now the ones I have will work. I'll have to go shopping, and see if I can find something fun. :)
Well, not much else going on right now... here's a transformation Tuesday pic from a week or so ago for you. :)
Let's see your Transformation Tuesday pics, all! :)
Lady D
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Body Image Issues and Surgery (Ladies especially please read this!!!)
So, I've been having some body image issues for several days in a row now. I have a LOT of excess skin in my belly, arm, and thighs. My breasts are also saggy now. But surgery, without insurance help is going to be around $20,000... which I can't afford. But, my husband and I have started talking about it, and we're going to slowly start saving up our $2,000/year Health Reimbursement Account to help pay for some of the surgeries. I'll just have to deal with my dysmorphia until then. And I honestly know that that's what a lot of this is... body dysmorphia. But there's not a whole lot I can do about it.
I posted this picture in my surgery group's facebook page since we were talking about skin. I am bending over in this pic, but this is what made me realize that my belly area is NOT fat! It's SKIN. If you're grossed out by this, a- you're on the WAY wrong page, and b- I DID warn you at the beginning of the post.
Cool thing about that pic? That's a real thigh gap. I was not standing with my legs spread farther apart than normal. Cool, eh?
So, I haven't really talked super openly about this next part, but I guess it's something that needs to be said as well. So, as I mentioned above, I have saggy boobs now. At my annual OB/GYN Appointment, my OB noticed that I have fibrocystic breast tissue... aka, I have lumpy breasts. This is a very common thing post weight-loss surgery, or major weight loss. Also, I have dense breast tissue, which can hide tumors. So, she wanted to send me for a "baseline mammogram." Something that she was sure would come out normal, but something that we could look at in the future and gauge my breasts. So, I went for the mammo. I could tell something came back funny, because when the tech did my left breast (the same breast my OB paused on), she started talking about me most likely getting called back for a second mammo, and not to worry, it's just that they don't have anything to compare it to, ect.
Well, sure enough, I get called back for a second mammogram. And they tell me how that process is going to go. They're going to take some pictures of my left breast because I have "asymmetrical breast tissue," and then show it to the radiologist. And if he decides he wants to see more, he'll send me for an ultrasound, and if they wanted more from that, or if they found something, they would do a biopsy. The tech was playing this off, because she thought it was going to be nothing. She even asked me: "You're 31, you have no family history of breast cancer, why did you even get the first mammo?" To which I explained. So, she took me in, did my couple of pictures, and then had me sit and wait in the dressing room while she showed the radiologist the pictures. It was a few minutes, and she came back saying he wanted me to have an ultrasound.
On to the ultrasound room we went. Well, again, she was saying she was going to look at the area, probably wouldn't even need to take some pictures, but if she did, she'd show them to the radiologist, and see what he said. Sure enough, a few moments of her looking, and she's taking pictures. She takes the pictures into the radiologist, and literally less than a minute later, he's in the room because he wants to look himself. And then they said what I DID NOT want to hear. They found an abnormal tumor that they are EXTREMELY concerned about, and they want to do a biopsy to make sure it's not cancer.
They did the biopsy about 10 minutes later, and a little less than a week later, I had the results. The way they were all acting, I really thought I had cancer. Well, I don't... maybe. I have what's called a "Granular Cell Tumor," which is a very rare (1 in 1000 tumors found are GCT's) type of usually benign tumor (only 1-2% of GCT's are cancerous). They recommended I go see a surgical breast oncologist to have it removed.
Fast forward two weeks. I'm meeting with one of the breast surgeons. To explain my tumor as he did: Since he's been practicing he's only seen 2-3 of these. When tumors are found, they're on a scale like this... cancer-somewhere in between-not cancer. Guess where I fall? Somewhere in between. He said he's not super concerned, since my biopsy results came back benign, but it's a 1cm tumor, and the biopsy only takes such a small area that it's just best to remove it.
So, next Wednesday, I'm undergoing out patient surgery to have the tumor removed. It's a two-part procedure, the first part, where they place the guide wire, I'll be awake for. The second part, where they actually remove the tumor, I'll be asleep for. I'm a little nervous about the first part, mainly because the biopsy hurt like a bitch... I didn't tell the doc to give me more lidocaine because I just thought it was supposed to hurt. After she took 5 samples, she figured it out though, and dosed me again. Smart lady. I didn't feel it the second time she was in there. My friend is driving me to the surgery center since my husband has to drop the midget off at daycare, but then he's hoping to be at the surgery center before I go back for the guide wire placement at 8am. Oh... best part? My sister's wedding is the day before, and I'm not planning on being home from that until around 1am. :D I figure I'm going to be sleeping all day anyways, so, who needs sleep the night before? LOL. The actual surgery is scheduled for 10am.
Doc said we'll know fore sure the results about a week after removal, but, again, none of us are really concerned at this point, which is why I'm talking about it. The whole point is that ladies, PLEASE do your self-breast exams. I know your breasts are changing, but, obviously, I, who was not paying attention to my breasts, could've had a much bigger issue on my hands. This journey allowed us to find this tumor, and hells yes, I'm going to be doing my monthly exams. Pick a day of the month (the TV station in Toledo, OH, where I'm originally from is channel 11. One of their anchors had breast cancer, and they always played a little piece by her on the 11th of the month to remind you to do a self breast exam) and do your exam every month. Guys, don't think you're exempt from this! While more rare for men, breast cancer CAN happen. Do it too! Ok, PSA over. I hope you all are having a wonderful week after our holiday weekend!! :)
Lady D
So, I've been having some body image issues for several days in a row now. I have a LOT of excess skin in my belly, arm, and thighs. My breasts are also saggy now. But surgery, without insurance help is going to be around $20,000... which I can't afford. But, my husband and I have started talking about it, and we're going to slowly start saving up our $2,000/year Health Reimbursement Account to help pay for some of the surgeries. I'll just have to deal with my dysmorphia until then. And I honestly know that that's what a lot of this is... body dysmorphia. But there's not a whole lot I can do about it.
I posted this picture in my surgery group's facebook page since we were talking about skin. I am bending over in this pic, but this is what made me realize that my belly area is NOT fat! It's SKIN. If you're grossed out by this, a- you're on the WAY wrong page, and b- I DID warn you at the beginning of the post.
Cool thing about that pic? That's a real thigh gap. I was not standing with my legs spread farther apart than normal. Cool, eh?
So, I haven't really talked super openly about this next part, but I guess it's something that needs to be said as well. So, as I mentioned above, I have saggy boobs now. At my annual OB/GYN Appointment, my OB noticed that I have fibrocystic breast tissue... aka, I have lumpy breasts. This is a very common thing post weight-loss surgery, or major weight loss. Also, I have dense breast tissue, which can hide tumors. So, she wanted to send me for a "baseline mammogram." Something that she was sure would come out normal, but something that we could look at in the future and gauge my breasts. So, I went for the mammo. I could tell something came back funny, because when the tech did my left breast (the same breast my OB paused on), she started talking about me most likely getting called back for a second mammo, and not to worry, it's just that they don't have anything to compare it to, ect.
Well, sure enough, I get called back for a second mammogram. And they tell me how that process is going to go. They're going to take some pictures of my left breast because I have "asymmetrical breast tissue," and then show it to the radiologist. And if he decides he wants to see more, he'll send me for an ultrasound, and if they wanted more from that, or if they found something, they would do a biopsy. The tech was playing this off, because she thought it was going to be nothing. She even asked me: "You're 31, you have no family history of breast cancer, why did you even get the first mammo?" To which I explained. So, she took me in, did my couple of pictures, and then had me sit and wait in the dressing room while she showed the radiologist the pictures. It was a few minutes, and she came back saying he wanted me to have an ultrasound.
On to the ultrasound room we went. Well, again, she was saying she was going to look at the area, probably wouldn't even need to take some pictures, but if she did, she'd show them to the radiologist, and see what he said. Sure enough, a few moments of her looking, and she's taking pictures. She takes the pictures into the radiologist, and literally less than a minute later, he's in the room because he wants to look himself. And then they said what I DID NOT want to hear. They found an abnormal tumor that they are EXTREMELY concerned about, and they want to do a biopsy to make sure it's not cancer.
They did the biopsy about 10 minutes later, and a little less than a week later, I had the results. The way they were all acting, I really thought I had cancer. Well, I don't... maybe. I have what's called a "Granular Cell Tumor," which is a very rare (1 in 1000 tumors found are GCT's) type of usually benign tumor (only 1-2% of GCT's are cancerous). They recommended I go see a surgical breast oncologist to have it removed.
Fast forward two weeks. I'm meeting with one of the breast surgeons. To explain my tumor as he did: Since he's been practicing he's only seen 2-3 of these. When tumors are found, they're on a scale like this... cancer-somewhere in between-not cancer. Guess where I fall? Somewhere in between. He said he's not super concerned, since my biopsy results came back benign, but it's a 1cm tumor, and the biopsy only takes such a small area that it's just best to remove it.
So, next Wednesday, I'm undergoing out patient surgery to have the tumor removed. It's a two-part procedure, the first part, where they place the guide wire, I'll be awake for. The second part, where they actually remove the tumor, I'll be asleep for. I'm a little nervous about the first part, mainly because the biopsy hurt like a bitch... I didn't tell the doc to give me more lidocaine because I just thought it was supposed to hurt. After she took 5 samples, she figured it out though, and dosed me again. Smart lady. I didn't feel it the second time she was in there. My friend is driving me to the surgery center since my husband has to drop the midget off at daycare, but then he's hoping to be at the surgery center before I go back for the guide wire placement at 8am. Oh... best part? My sister's wedding is the day before, and I'm not planning on being home from that until around 1am. :D I figure I'm going to be sleeping all day anyways, so, who needs sleep the night before? LOL. The actual surgery is scheduled for 10am.
Doc said we'll know fore sure the results about a week after removal, but, again, none of us are really concerned at this point, which is why I'm talking about it. The whole point is that ladies, PLEASE do your self-breast exams. I know your breasts are changing, but, obviously, I, who was not paying attention to my breasts, could've had a much bigger issue on my hands. This journey allowed us to find this tumor, and hells yes, I'm going to be doing my monthly exams. Pick a day of the month (the TV station in Toledo, OH, where I'm originally from is channel 11. One of their anchors had breast cancer, and they always played a little piece by her on the 11th of the month to remind you to do a self breast exam) and do your exam every month. Guys, don't think you're exempt from this! While more rare for men, breast cancer CAN happen. Do it too! Ok, PSA over. I hope you all are having a wonderful week after our holiday weekend!! :)
Lady D
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
More "Pizza" and a new Drink Stick...
Well, new to me. So, I was at Walmart yesterday, which is where I do my drink sticks from (think Crystal-Light on the go). I usually get the Great Value Blackberry lemonade, or, when they still had it (If you're a higher up at Walmart, PLEASE bring this back!!!) the Tangerine Grapefruit, but they didn't have my Blackberry Lemonade yesterday. So, I saw that Hawaiian Punch had drink sticks that were Sugar Free. Can I just say NOM?!?!?!? It literally tastes like drinking Hawaiian Punch. After my first sip, I had to go back and look again to make sure they WERE sugar free, because they sure as heck don't taste sugar free. But yes, they indeed are! I can't find any links for the original Fruit Punch flavor Sugar Free, but here's a link for the Orange Sugar free ones. My local Walmart had a pack of 8 for $1. And I WILL be buying them again.
So, I promised a picture of my Chicken Sausage pizza, and here's the one I made last night. It's Sharp Cheddar and Pepperjack cheeses mixed for the base/top, and Meijer Cheddar Jalapeno Chicken Sausages. Then I served with some Great Value Cantina Salsa.
And yes, it DID taste as good as it looks. :D
So, over the weekend I threw my back out of whack, and yesterday I went to the chiropractor. I had multiple vertebra wonky which he got, and I thought I had a rib out... which the alignment SHOULD HAVE fixed. BUT, apparently not. I woke up in tears this morning, and if I move wrong, I see stars. I'm wondering if I didn't seriously pull/tear a muscle (the pain is right between the lower right part of my right breast and my underarm), or crack a rib. It's painful as hell, and hey, since I had bypass, I can only do extra strength Tylenol, which doesn't come close to touching this pain. *sigh* Since I work for thoracic surgeons, I asked one of them to look at it for me, since, you know, they work with ribs on the daily, to see if he thought it was muscular or if I needed to get an x-ray. He said that he didn't feel any "crunch" or anything when I breathed in, so, if it is fractured, it's a small one. No need to get an x-ray- they wouldn't be able to do anything for it anyways. Most likely sprained or pulled a muscle. He said it will probably take two months to heal, and to check with my bariatric surgeon about getting some NSAIDs or other anti-inflammatories... which I already have a call in to them to check. So yeah. Guess I'm going to take it easy for now, and buy a heating pad.
How's your week shaping up so far? :)
Lady D
So, I promised a picture of my Chicken Sausage pizza, and here's the one I made last night. It's Sharp Cheddar and Pepperjack cheeses mixed for the base/top, and Meijer Cheddar Jalapeno Chicken Sausages. Then I served with some Great Value Cantina Salsa.
And yes, it DID taste as good as it looks. :D
So, over the weekend I threw my back out of whack, and yesterday I went to the chiropractor. I had multiple vertebra wonky which he got, and I thought I had a rib out... which the alignment SHOULD HAVE fixed. BUT, apparently not. I woke up in tears this morning, and if I move wrong, I see stars. I'm wondering if I didn't seriously pull/tear a muscle (the pain is right between the lower right part of my right breast and my underarm), or crack a rib. It's painful as hell, and hey, since I had bypass, I can only do extra strength Tylenol, which doesn't come close to touching this pain. *sigh* Since I work for thoracic surgeons, I asked one of them to look at it for me, since, you know, they work with ribs on the daily, to see if he thought it was muscular or if I needed to get an x-ray. He said that he didn't feel any "crunch" or anything when I breathed in, so, if it is fractured, it's a small one. No need to get an x-ray- they wouldn't be able to do anything for it anyways. Most likely sprained or pulled a muscle. He said it will probably take two months to heal, and to check with my bariatric surgeon about getting some NSAIDs or other anti-inflammatories... which I already have a call in to them to check. So yeah. Guess I'm going to take it easy for now, and buy a heating pad.
How's your week shaping up so far? :)
Lady D
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Meatball "Pizza"
So, I don't know if you remember my "Crust-less Pizza" I made when I was really pre-op, but I've made a few moderations to it since I've been post op, and... OMG, this is AWESOME. The one I'm showing today is just one that I've made... it's a "Meatball Pizza." You take 3 Cooked Perfect Frozen turkey or chicken meatballs and microwave them for 45 seconds. Cut them into quarters. Take a small (6-8") skillet, and put barely a layer of low-moisture, part-skim mozzarella cheese in the bottom (just enough to hold the meatballs together). Layer the meatballs in the pan, and sprinkle parmesan cheese, garlic powder, and any Italian spices that you want on there. Finally, top with just enough cheese to cover things. Turn the heat on medium-low, and put a lid on the pan to melt the top of the cheese. Let it cook until the bottom gets brown and crusty. Dip in some marinara or low-sugar pizza sauce.
It's fabulous. I have to share with my kiddo, because a- she loves it, and b- I can almost never finish the full thing by myself. I've also made it with a combination of fiesta blend and pepperjack shredded cheeses, with Cheddar Jalapeno chicken sausages from Meijer. Instead of using Italian spices, I used a little bit of cumin, and I topped with salsa instead of marinara. As I said, FANTASTIC. There are ways to make food awesome.
I also came to realize just the other day that I've never put my updated cauliflower casserole recipe on here... hm... I'll have to get some cheddar cheese and riced cauliflower, and make it to show you. :) Well, that's it for now I think. I hope you are all having a WONDERFUL week! :)
Lady D
It's fabulous. I have to share with my kiddo, because a- she loves it, and b- I can almost never finish the full thing by myself. I've also made it with a combination of fiesta blend and pepperjack shredded cheeses, with Cheddar Jalapeno chicken sausages from Meijer. Instead of using Italian spices, I used a little bit of cumin, and I topped with salsa instead of marinara. As I said, FANTASTIC. There are ways to make food awesome.
I also came to realize just the other day that I've never put my updated cauliflower casserole recipe on here... hm... I'll have to get some cheddar cheese and riced cauliflower, and make it to show you. :) Well, that's it for now I think. I hope you are all having a WONDERFUL week! :)
Lady D
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
PSA Post: READ READ READ your Labels!!!!
*sigh* This post for me is a sad one right now, because I'm suffering the consequences. So, I had purchased some super YUMMY turkey hotdogs from... somewhere... Meijer? Walmart? They were Bar S brand. And believe it or not, two of them completely kept me satiated until my next meal. Well, when I was at Walmart the other day, I couldn't find these. So, I bought the Jennie-O brand. Well, I was getting hungry, A LOT after I had two of them this morning. And now I see why. Holy cow! Only 4g protein per. The Bar S brand only has 6g protein per, but for some reason, that keeps me fuller longer. Neither of these are a very good option for a meal, honestly. This is why I need to READ READ READ my labels before I buy things. Plus, the Jennie-O hotdogs didn't cook up like normal hotdogs, and they just don't taste the same. :( Oh well.
I did a much better job over the weekend prepping for my sister's bridal shower luncheon... kind of. So, knowing that she picked Olive Garden, I went and studied their menu and nutritional content, and saw that some of their "healthier" dishes still had 30+g fat in them! Oh no, that just wouldn't do. So, my original plan was to have some salad with a grilled chicken breast. But! I saw that the Pasta Fagioli had only 2g fat in it... and less than 2g sugar. For those of you that haven't been to Olive Garden, the pasta fagioli is basically chili, with some small pasta in it. So, I ordered that. And I picked out the pasta. Well, I did my normal protein bar at 130 after lunch, and then I forgot all about it. As I was driving home, I was getting REALLY hungry. Well, after looking it up, the entire bowl of pasta fagioli only has 8g protein in it. :( So, I popped another protein bar. I ended up with more calories than I probably should have that day: Protein Shake, Protein Bar for breakfast, Pasta Fagioli for lunch, Protein Bar Snack, Protein Bar Snack again, Protein Bar dinner, and then when I got home I had a few fresh strawberries and an apple. So, I guess I could have done much, much worse, but still.
Speaking of Protein Bars, I DID get to try the Wild Berry Creme flavor of PowerCrunch over the weekend. I'm not a fan, honestly. It's got a tang to it at first, which is ok... and it's definitely got a lot of berry flavor, but it's got that whey aftertaste that most bars have that turn me off that no other flavor of PowerCrunch have had to date. I just don't get it. Oh well. Give them a try, let me know what you think. Maybe I'm just crazy. :)
So, since it's Tuesday, I've been trying to keep up with "Transformation Tuesday" on Instagram. I don't do it all the time... mainly if I have a cute outfit on, or I'm having a good body image day (these do not come along super often). Today was one of the days I was indeed having a good body image day, so, here's my latest "Transformation Tuesday" shot...
Yeah... that's what a 181# difference looks like. :)
Btw, guys, (you can't see it in that picture, but...) I know my belly looks kind of funny right now, and I kind of look like I'm pregnant, BUT I'M NOT. So, please. Stop blatantly looking at my belly like you're expecting me to say I'm pregnant. I'm not! It's loose skin, and my remaining fat. Ain't no baby up in there. LOL
Lady D
I did a much better job over the weekend prepping for my sister's bridal shower luncheon... kind of. So, knowing that she picked Olive Garden, I went and studied their menu and nutritional content, and saw that some of their "healthier" dishes still had 30+g fat in them! Oh no, that just wouldn't do. So, my original plan was to have some salad with a grilled chicken breast. But! I saw that the Pasta Fagioli had only 2g fat in it... and less than 2g sugar. For those of you that haven't been to Olive Garden, the pasta fagioli is basically chili, with some small pasta in it. So, I ordered that. And I picked out the pasta. Well, I did my normal protein bar at 130 after lunch, and then I forgot all about it. As I was driving home, I was getting REALLY hungry. Well, after looking it up, the entire bowl of pasta fagioli only has 8g protein in it. :( So, I popped another protein bar. I ended up with more calories than I probably should have that day: Protein Shake, Protein Bar for breakfast, Pasta Fagioli for lunch, Protein Bar Snack, Protein Bar Snack again, Protein Bar dinner, and then when I got home I had a few fresh strawberries and an apple. So, I guess I could have done much, much worse, but still.
Speaking of Protein Bars, I DID get to try the Wild Berry Creme flavor of PowerCrunch over the weekend. I'm not a fan, honestly. It's got a tang to it at first, which is ok... and it's definitely got a lot of berry flavor, but it's got that whey aftertaste that most bars have that turn me off that no other flavor of PowerCrunch have had to date. I just don't get it. Oh well. Give them a try, let me know what you think. Maybe I'm just crazy. :)
So, since it's Tuesday, I've been trying to keep up with "Transformation Tuesday" on Instagram. I don't do it all the time... mainly if I have a cute outfit on, or I'm having a good body image day (these do not come along super often). Today was one of the days I was indeed having a good body image day, so, here's my latest "Transformation Tuesday" shot...
Yeah... that's what a 181# difference looks like. :)
Btw, guys, (you can't see it in that picture, but...) I know my belly looks kind of funny right now, and I kind of look like I'm pregnant, BUT I'M NOT. So, please. Stop blatantly looking at my belly like you're expecting me to say I'm pregnant. I'm not! It's loose skin, and my remaining fat. Ain't no baby up in there. LOL
Lady D
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So, I had kind of stopped updating this blog since I record most things on Instagram, but, I kind of want to document my plastics journey on...
**DISCLAIMER** I am not looking for pity, or words of encouragement with this post. This is just how I'm feeling today, and wanted to sh...
If I ever needed affirmation that everything I'm doing so far is right, I got it at last night's SWLC. The class itself was a short ...
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I've been dealing with this annoying allergy/sinus infection thing, and haven't really had...