Well, yesterday I had my 6 week post-op visit with a dietitian, and with my surgeon's PA. It went really well.
My dietitian is the same one that I saw for my one-week post-op, and she said the same thing that she did then... that I'm doing fabulous! Apparently, she found a recorded weight in my chart of 380# when I was pre-op, so, my total weight loss is actually #132 so far. That's kind of awesome. :D I've also lost 9" off my waist since June. When I met Dr. Jones for my consult in June, I was 54". Now I'm 45" at the widest part of my waist.
She also approved me to have veggies. Like, I was able to have veggies before, but I didn't really want to, since I was only allowed to have my 2 oz. portion. Well, she said that I can do my 2 oz. portion of protein, and then ON TOP of that, have some small amounts of veggies. :D I'm ecstatic. I've been craving veggies SO BAD.
My surgeon's PA came in, and we talked about running. She herself is a runner, and she cautioned me on running right now. She said she's not going to tell me not to run, but she wants me to only do 30 mins. right now, and to run-walk (run 1 min, walk 1 min, ect.) until my BMI gets below 35. She said that the ortho guys suggest no physical activity until BMI is under 35. But I'm close (37), so, she won't tell me no. So, once I lose about 20# more, I'll be able to take the training wheels off per se. :) She also said other than that I'm doing really well. I forgot to mention in our meeting about the annoying itchy rash that has started with one of my skin folds (sorry if that grosses you out, but it's a part of this journey, so, deal!), and since I need to have six months of documented rashes in order for my insurance to even remotely consider covering skin removal surgery for me, I e-mailed the office this morning so that they can start the documentation on it.
So, if you're my friend on Facebook, you saw my plea last night regarding my FitBit. Well, since I want to start running, I've come to the conclusion that the Flex 2 just isn't going to cut it. But... $130-$150 depending on if you find it on sale or not? Not happening right now. I had a Charge HR, but the band started falling apart on it. I contacted Fitbit, and all they could do was a 25% coupon, which is honestly generous, since it isn't in warranty. But that still makes it $100, which I can't really afford right now. Oh well. I'll deal with my Flex 2 for now. *shrugs*
Two things about yesterday? Well, one weird, one heartwarming. So, obviously, I'm spilling my guts out here for you guys to read. I've also mentioned that I have an IG acct (ladydobz). I've gotten two creepers on my IG acct so far... last night's was funny. I posted this picture yesterday
with the caption, "Feeling particularly fabulous today." I don't really see anything sexy about the picture, or what I said about it... But... A guy messaged me, and on IG, you have to approve people to message you. After the last creeper (how old are you, are you married, do you have kids, do you live alone, where do you live?) I was a little apprehensive, but, I always accept in case someone has a legit question. I warned my husband, who was sitting right next to me, that I might have another creeper. He got all excited. "If he's really a creeper, can I troll him?" I didn't care. You creep on me, you're going to get burned. xD But anyways, he started by saying I was beautiful, and then wishing me and my family a Happy New Year. I was like, ok, not a creeper. And then he started talking about how he was so glad I messaged him back (I said thank you, and wished him a happy new year too), and that he messaged me to get my attention, and I really am beautiful (I handed the phone to my husband at this point). I don't know what was exactly said after that, but apparently, he asked if I was married, so, my husband sent him a picture, and said: "To me, so BUG OFF!" He handed the phone back to me to block the guy. All I saw was the guy kept asking, "Wait, she's your wife?" After the first time he asked that, my husband sent *facepalm*. The second time, I sent "Yes" and blocked him. I just don't get it! At all! I've mentioned several times in my blog that I'm married and have a child, and I've also mentioned it on my IG acct. Are guys really that desperate or oblivious? My husband said that he hopes I get one that decides to send a dick pic. He said he's going to have so much fun with that one... he likes trolling. *cackles maniacally*
So, the heartwarming thing? Well, I saw someone standing outside the building where my doc's office is yesterday, and she was looking at me like she was trying to figure out where she knew me from (or so I thought). I was looking back trying to decide if she was a bariatric patient or not, because she didn't really look like one. But later, when I got home, I noticed I had a Facebook request for a message. I approved it. It was her! She said that she saw me walking into the office today, and that she's been following me online for a while, and that I'm looking amazing. She said that the pictures do not do justice how awesome I'm looking! Omg. I blushed so bad when I read that. You know who you are, thank you SOOO much! <3 <3 <3 It's very cool to see that people are following this, and that they're excited to see how my journey is going. I know this blog doesn't really seem like it, but I write it because I want people to honestly see what this journey is like, and hopefully it will help someone make the decision like I did, to change their life for the better. So, to all my wonderful readers out there, xoxo
Lady D
Friday, January 12, 2018
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So, I had kind of stopped updating this blog since I record most things on Instagram, but, I kind of want to document my plastics journey on...
**DISCLAIMER** I am not looking for pity, or words of encouragement with this post. This is just how I'm feeling today, and wanted to sh...
If I ever needed affirmation that everything I'm doing so far is right, I got it at last night's SWLC. The class itself was a short ...
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I've been dealing with this annoying allergy/sinus infection thing, and haven't really had...
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